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Visitors 14
Modified 26-Apr-24
Created 23-Apr-14
39 photos

Mars Lander Display, Mars Lander Center, ASUTour Guide, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiting Center, ASUGroup, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiting Center, ASUOperators, Mars Lander Center, ASURock from Moon Display CaseRock Specimen from MoonGroup, Space Photography LabGroup, Space Photography LabDr. Dave Williams, Space Photography LabBill Stasi at Rapt AttentionPlanet Earth DisplayGroup Luncheon at the Memorial UnionDr. Carleton Moore, Meteorite Museum, ASUMarceil Peterson at Geology LectureBob & Peggy Moroney Learning about MeteoritesTouch Me MeteoriteArizona Meteorite Locations MapLarge Touchable MeteoriteMeteorite DisplayUnique Meteorite with Hole

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