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Visitors 43
Modified 26-Apr-24
Created 13-Sep-18
71 photos

Pre-party Panel SessionPre-party Panel:  Larry Carlson, Jeff Chapman, and Ruth JonesPre-party Panel - Larry Carlson, Jeff Chapman, and Ruth JonesTrudy Perez keeps the pre-party panel moving alongPre-party panel audienceLined up ready to goBarry McNeill singing "I am a Pizza I am a Pizza / Extra Cheese Extra Cheese"PizzasChet & Jean DuncanLiz Chain and Laura ToheMary Swaty and Carl CrossBarbara Bradford Eschbach and Hal WhiteDon and Alleen NilsenA gathering of nurses - Marcia Jasper, Joy Shearman and Marge GarrityTim Wong and Willi SavenyeSue Bloomer, X1, Tara & Alan Roesler, and Maynard BlumerTara Roesler - ASURA PresidentJay Q. Butler - ASURA Board MemberDave Schwalm - ASURA Board MemberBarry McNeill - ASURA Board Member

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