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Visitors 16
Modified 3-Nov-24
Created 23-Apr-14
14 photos

Jerry McSheffrey, Manny GarciaVideo Conversation GroupJune Payne, Pam Stevenson, Manny GarciaClyde Parker Colleen Jennings Roggensack (2009)Linda Van Scoy, Milt Glick, and Ruth JonesMilt Glick and Ruth Jones (2010)Dave Scheatzle, Rudy Campbell, Chuck Backus, and John McIntosh (Conrad Storad Interview by Ed Sylvester (left), Roger CarterConrad Storad during his Video History interviewEd Sylvester and Conrad StoradVideo History Crew MembersLattie Coor (2006)Lattie Coor (2006)Video History Crew June 2014

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